Our Applets
Applets are little java files that make some nice effects on pages like moving water, snow, and pictures you can play with, etc. There are many web sites on the internet that give you the code and the java class files to make your own. Contact us if you need help making your own. These applets are set up correctly and double checked. If you have problems viewing them, the problem is your computer java settings, not our pages.

Here are links to applets that we currently have on different pages:

01. Lake Applet A lake applet of the Rainbow River, FL.

02. Lake Applet A lake applet of Fish Eating Creek, FL.

03. Lake Applet A lake applet of a swimming pool.

04. Lake Applet A lake applet of Inglis Dam, FL.

05. Lake Applet A lake applet of Ducks on the Withlacooche River, FL.

06. Lake Applet A lake applet of Fish eating creek, FL.

07. Lake Applet A lake applet of the Oriase River, Japan.

08. Lake Applet A lake applet of Our Aquarium.

09. Lake Applet A lake applet of Bennetts Creek, FL.

10. Lake Applet A lake applet of the SS Edmund-Fitzgerald.

11. Snow Applet A snow applet of a wolf picture.

12. Goo Applet A picture you can play with.

13. Lense Applet View a map thru a magnifying glass.

14. Rainbow Text Rainbow Text page heading

15. Rainbow Text Rainbow Text page heading.

16. Lake Applet Wesley's pet fish in the aquarium.

17. Lake Applet A pretty lake applet of a fairy sitting by the water on Beth's page.

17. Lake Applet A nice lake applet of a painting of my Grandfather Erickson's farmstead.

18. Rain Gif Not an applet, just a nice gif of a rainy day.

19. Lake Applet A nice lake applet of Maiden Rock. Try to see the indian praying.

20. Lake Applet A nice lake applet of Jack & the bear.

21. Lake Applet A nice lake applet of a very secluded corner of the universe.

Bill & Jackie's

Copyright © 2001 - 2005 Great Uncle Bill