Old News Clips

I clipped all of these out of an old NJ newspaper. Very interesting stuff.

January 7, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 20

Robert W. Mackey, who had been prostrated for the past two months by hemorrhage of the lungs, died last Wednesday at his residence in Philadelphia. Though but little over forty-one years of age, he had for several years been a power in the Republican councils. He was born in Pittsburg, Pa., December 22, 1837....

John Thompson and his wife Ann were put under ground in Baltimore last Thursday. John and Ann were of the same age and celebrated their golden wedding in November 1876. Last Thursday Ann was struck with paralysis while at the dinner table. At supper, John was struck with paralysis. Ann's funeral was fixed for last Monday. John died on Monday.

Samuel and James Wilkins are twins and 80 years of age. They were married on the same day. Their farms adjoin near Groveland, Oakland county, Michigan...

A Newburyport, Mass., dispatch says: Last Tuesday night at South Byfield, six miles from here, John H. Caldwell, while kneeling in family prayer was killed by his insane wife, who split his head open with an axe. The attack was unperceived by Mrs. Caldwell's sister, who was present and kneeling at the same time. He was forty-five years of age.

Rev. Frederick W. Beasley, brother of Chief Justice Beasley, of this State, died at Torresdale, Pa., on Saturday, aged 71 years. He was a clergyman of the Episcopal church, and has resided at Torresdale for the past thirty years. His death was sudden and the cause heart disease.

Jacob Folk, of Roseland, Livingston township, Essex county, left his home on a small farm there on Wednesday morning last, saying that he was going to the woods to cut a ladder pole. He did not return at night, and his family gave the alarm to his neighbors. Eight men began a search for him and at 11:30 o'clock the same night he was found lying dead near a piece of woods. The body was face downwards and resting on the head was a large, heavy pole, which had evidently crushed his skull.

Ex-Sheriff Warne, of Warren county, died last week, aged ninety. He was a Major in the war of 1812.

Jacob Vliet, Esq., of Bloomsbury, died on Saturday A.M., Dec. 28, after an illness of a few weeks, aged about 86 years.

Undoubtedly, the oldest person in Raritan township, if not in the county, is Mrs. Corcoran, mother of Patrick Corcoran, of this place. If the old lady lives until the March coming she will be one hundred years old...

Mrs. James Babbitt, daughter of Wm. Berry of Asbury, but lately resident in Newark, was so terribly burned at her home in that city recently, that she died after two weeks of indescribable suffering, and was buried in Asbury last Tuesday....

A brakeman named Opdycke was frozen to death last Friday while coming down on a Central Railroad freight train from Easton to Elizabeth.

January 14, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 21

The sad intelligence reaches us of the death of Judge Joseph Vliet, which occurred at his residence in Washington at an early hour Tuesday morning. His death resulted from septicaemia, which was caused by a fall received at the county seat some three weeks ago. The Judge was in his 59th year....

Morton McMichael, the able editor, the eloquent orator and distinguished citizen, whose name is as familiar to the world of newspaper readers as a household word, died at his residence in Philadelphia, on Monday afternoon last, in the seventy-second year of his age.... Mr. McMichael was born in Burlington county in this State in 1807 - (W. Jersey Press)

Mr. Isaac Selover, of New Brunswick, mentioned as suffering from lockjaw, occasioned by a gunshot wound in his foot, died on Wednesday morning last.

The death is announced at Mendham, of Ex-Judge William Babbitt, the oldest citizen of Morris county, in his 97th year. He was a Judge of the County Court for 10 years and the Justice of the Peace for 50 years.

The body of an eccentric old bachelor named Matthew Richards, familiarly known as "Mattie" was found on Wednesday frozen stiff in the house in which he lived, near Springfield, Union county. Deceased was 73 years old.

January 21, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 22

Charles T. Pfifer, of Elizabeth, died suddenly on Tuesday last from a tumor on the heart. Deceased was married, but separated from his wife three years ago, and it is not known where she is.

Emma Lang, a child about twelve years of age, died at her mother's house in Jersey City on Friday last, and the certificated signed by the physician states that the cause of death was overwork and nervous prostration. The child has two young brothers and the three children are said to have been very cruelly treated by their mother.

On Tuesday last, Miss Walker, residing at Brecon Mills, Ontario, suddenly dropped dead. Her betrothed, Edward Cousins, hearing of her death, cut his throat, and Miss Walker's mother, on seeing her daughter's corpse, also dropped dead.

At Sherman, Texas, a gambler named Harrison Thurman got into a difficulty with Deputy United States Marshal Walter Johnson. There had been a previous misunderstanding. They met on the street, drew pistols, and the gambler, getting the drop on Johnson, instantly killed him.

A terrible tradedy took place at Big Creek, near Waterloo, Iowa, last Tuesday night. Thomas Quinn, a farmer, cut his wife's throat, then his own.

Mrs. Sinclair, wife of Hugh Sinclair, who lives on the road from this place to Everittstown, died suddenly on Sunday last. ... Heart disease was assigned as the cause of her death. She was in the 71st year of her age.

News Items

On Monday night, Mrs. Davis and her child, one year of age, were burned to death at Hyde Park. The fire was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp.

Thomas Johnson's bakery and dwelling at Kingston, Ont., were burned Wednesday morning. Mr. Johnson's two little daughters were burned to death.

Mrs. Captain Daniel Dobbins died at Erie, Pa., last Monday in her 100th year. She was living in Erie when Commodore Perry fitted out his fleet that defeated the British at Put-in-Bay in 1812...

Sylvanus D. Slack, editor of the Frenchtown Independent, died at his residence on Fourth Street, Frenchtown, on Tuesday evening last, after a lingering illness of about five weeks, aged 29 years, 6 months and 12 days. Mr. Slack commenced the publication of the paper, Ross Slack being associated with him for a time. He was an only child of Andrew Slack. He leaves a widow and two children. His two grand-fathers, William Snyder and James Slack, are both living at advanced ages. Mr. Slack was a member of the Frenchtown M.E. Church and one of the class leaders. His funeral took place on Saturday last. Interment in Frenchtown cemetery, by the side of a deceased child.

Charles Branning, a conductor of a coal train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was crushed between two bumpers on Tuesday last, while in the act of coupling cars at Bennet's Station, near Spottswood. He was taken to his home, at Fourth and Hartman streets, Camden, in the evening. His recovery is doubtful.

On Wednesday last a son of the Rev. Geo. G. Hepburn, of Eatontown, went skating on the Shrewsbury river. He said he intended to skate to Newark. He did not return home and on Monday his father went to Newark in search of him. While he was there the body of his son was found in the Little Silver River, near Seabright. The boy evidently broke the ice in some weak spot and fell through. He was seventeen and a half years old.

Martin Coleman, a Newark brass refiner, scolded his son Martin, a youth of 20, one day last week, for neglecting some horses committed to his charge. The boy made a saucy reply and his father struck him with a boot. Martin drew a knife and cut his father in the arm, severing two important arteries. The father died on Tuesday night. The boy left the city on Friday.

Henry Prichett, aged 23 years, committed suicide in the Mt. Holly jail one night last week. He had been locked up for drunkenness...

February 4, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 24

A Sad Accident On Saturday the 25th ult., three Princeton students took the train for Baltimore intending to spend Sunday with their parents in Wilmington, Del. In attempting to pass from one car to another when the wind was blowing with terrific force, the young man in advance was almost blown off, only escaping by holding on to the brake wheel for bare life. Young Vaughan, son of Dr. Vaughan, was close behind him, and as he reached the platform the fury of the wind increased and he was hurled with terrible velocity from the cars. Great consternation prevailed, a dispatch was sent to Linwood near where the accident occurred and the body of the young man was found. His death must have been instantaneous. He was about 25 years of age and very promising.

Miss Rose Lewis, of Phillipsburg, aged sixteen years, while walking over the railroad bridge last Tuesday night, fell through to the wagon read, twenty-five feet below. She suffered internal injuries, from which she died two hours afterward...

Last Friday, a farmer named Richard Runkle, who lives two miles from Hopewell, on the road to Lambertville, committed suicide in his barn by hanging himself to one of the rafters with a silk handkerchief. His body was found at five o'clock in the afternoon, by a Mr. Stout who cut him down. He was aged about 50 years, and leaves a family.

A few weeks ago we gave a notice to the effect that Mrs. Corcoran, mother of Patrick Corcoran of this place would be a hundred years on the first of March. We were mistaken in the time. The old lady's centennial birthday occurred on Saturday last, February 1st.

Killed By A Train Of Cars Andrew Sheets, a farm laborer in the employ of Peter Smith, near Lebanon, met with an awful fate on Thursday morning, 23rd ult., at Glen Gardner. He was going to the depot to take the 7:42 A.M. train from home, and was within three minutes walk of the station. When the cars struck him he must have fallen with his neck directly across the rail, for his head was completely severed from his body.... He was to have been married the following Saturday. He was buried at Allertown. He was about 52 years of age.

On Monday evening two residents of Belleville, named William Coles and P. McClusky, were proceeding along one of the streets of that town when suddenly Coles fell to the sidewalk. McClusky atttempted to raise his companion, when he was horrified to find that he was dead.

In the case of Abagail Morris against Capt. Leonard Seely, of Red Bank, for damages for six breaches of promise of marriage, from 1870 to 1878, during which time six children have been born to her, and two suits for damages settled, the jury, on Friday last, awarded the plaintiff $1100.

Local Chips

The death of Asher Schenck occurred at Annandale on Friday evening a week after great suffering. Mr. Schenck was step-father to Sheriff Beldon.

Mrs. Eleanor Mathews, of Mt. Airy, celebrated the 50th anniversary of her marriage on Thursday last with her family.

Charles Ewing, an old and highly respected citizen of East Amwell township, died on Wednesday last from heart disease, at the residence of his son, John Ewing, aged 78 years. Mr. Ewing was Assessor of that township for many years.

On Jan. 24, at New Germantown, Mrs. Elizabeth Gulick, aged 93 years, was buried. Mrs. Gulick was born in Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1876. Her father, John H. Genther, was born at Rhineheim, Germany. When the independence of the United States was recognized by the French Government, he came to this country and fought in the Revolutionary war as a trooper until peace was declared, when he settled in Philadelphia and worked at his trade as a tailor. From Philadelphia the family moved to Easton, where she married to Joachim Gulick, who still survives her, after a married life of 73 years. Her funeral was attended by her children (one of whom is in the Lutheran ministry). A sister of the deceased is still living at German Valley, aged 93 years. - (Clinton Democrat).

Local Chips

James English, track boss at White House Station, was struck by Engine 144, on Monday evening and killed.

Last Thursday afternoon, Moses Burd, a photographer, was very seriously if not fatally injured, while walking down the railroad track near Glen Gardner Station. He was struck by a locomotive, one of his legs cut off, and his head very badly cut. His recovery is reported doubtful.

About a week ago, Mrs. Mary Harrison, of Bloomfield, Essex county, died leaving about $100,000, chiefly in the hands of trustees. The income of a portion was to be paid to Frank Harrison, her grandson, the principal to be given him only in the event of his having children. The next day after the old lady died Frank got married.

February 25, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 27

It was Thomas, and not James English, who was killed by being struck by a locomotive; and the accident occurred at Phillipsburg and not at White House Station, as we last week reported.

Mrs. Grash, a middle aged laboring woman, of 440 William Street, Camden, went out to work, as usual, on Wednesday and died suddenly on Thursday, it is presumed from heart disease.

Chancellor Runyon has granted a divorce to Adam Rehmon, of Newark, from this wife Isabella. The wife is thirty-five years old and the husband seventeen. He alleged in his petition that he was entrapped into marriage while drunk, and the evidence before the Chancellor confirmed the allegation.

March 11, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 29

Daniel Porter, editor of the Somerset Unionist, died on Sunday evening after a protracted illness.

A fire at Reno, Nevada, on Sunday March 24, destroyed the entire business portion of the town in three hours, the Masonic building alone remaining.... Mrs. John Beck, John Riley and three tramps were burned to death....

Fatal Railroad Accident At 11:55 P.M., on Monday night, a collision took place on the Pennsylvania railroad at Frankford Junction, Pa., between a freight and coal train by which an engine and twelve freight cars were demolished and John Paxton, the engineer, had his legs crushed, necessitating amputation above the knees and Charles Cole, the fireman, who received internal injuries, both died Tuesday morning.

On Wednesday last, Patrick Gerty, a Lambertville lad aged about 14 years was killed by being run over by a train of cars upon which he, with some other boys, was stealing a ride. His head was crushed shapeless, one leg was cut off entirely, and the other almost severed from the body.

William Petty, for many years an inmate of the poor house in Alexandria township, started on Saturday afternoon, March 1st, to visit his brother. On Sunday his dead body was found about five hundred yards from the poor house. It is supposed that he dropped dead from heart disease on Saturday just after starting on the visit, as he had not reached his brother's house. His age was about 70 years.

Diphtheria prevails to an alarming extent in Bedminister, Somerset county. We hear a sad instance of its ravages in the family of a German named Godfried Dourrick, who, on Monday Feb. 24th, lost his daughter Caroline, aged 7 years; on Wednesday, 26th, a son Charles, aged 5 years; and on the 28th, another daughter, Catharine, aged 3 years.

March 18, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 30

The skeleton found recently in reopening an abandoned lead mine at Ellenville, Ulter county, N.Y., has been identified as the remains of David Smith, who disappeared in 1866....

Samuel Earl died at his home in Newark on Tuesday, aged 80 years. He served as a private in the American army during the war of 1812. He was wounded by the explosion of a magazine which was blown up by the British. His wife, a dame of 83, survives him.

Rev. Nicholas Vansant, of the M.E. Church, died at his residence, Lower Bay, Burlington county, on Saturday last, aged 93 years. He was the father of Revs. Samuel and James Vansant of the New Jersey Conference, and Revs. Nicholas and Isaac Vansant, of the Newark Conference.

Miss May Throckmorton, living at Pleasure Bay, Long Branch, threw some rags which she had been using in cleaning lamps Tuesday afternoon into the stove. The flames, flashing up, set her dress on fire. She immediately ran into the road and screamed. A gentleman driving by stopped and wrapped her up in his horse blankets and put out the fire, but her injuries were so severe that she died on Wednesday morning.

A very sad and sudden death occurred at Peapack, Somerset county, on the evening of the 4th inst. Mary, daughter of William Vandorn, was taken with the measles and shortly after her brother was also taken. She got up to attend to some of his wants, took cold, and died in less than three hours.

On Saturday last the children, grand children and great grand children of Mrs. Jane Case (widow of Samuel H. Case), to the number of about forty, met at the residence of her son William, near Headquarters, and celebrated the estimable old lady's 76th birthday.

The Township Elections. As far as received we give the names of the officers elected in the various townships last Tuesday. Tewksbury: Geo. W. Sutton, Pound Keeper

The death of Hon. Joseph Fritts, of Hamden, should have been announced in our last. It occurred on Sunday, the 2d inst., and notice was deferred for the gathering of facts appropriate to the loss which our community thus sustains; and by thus delaying, the sad announcement was overlooked in finally making up the paper. The deceased was for several terms a Representative of this County in the General Assembly; and for a large part of his long lifetime has been a distinguished and useful member of the community. He died in the 77th year of his age, from an enlargement of the heart. His estimable wife, after union with him for more than half a century, survives, with a number of sons and daughters. - Clinton Democrat.

March 25, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 31

Mary Green, aged about seventy, was found dead at her residence in Prallsville, near Stockton, last Wednesday morning. She was lying on her face at the foot of the stairs, down which she had fallen. She had lived alone for a number of years and was reputed to be worth between five and six thousand dollars. Her brother lives in Doylestown, Pa.

James Q. Auten, an old and respected resident of Somerville was struck and fatally injured by a Central Railroad locomotive Friday morning of week before last.

Aaron Lowe, of Somerset county, died last week from eating raw ham. It was thought that there was some insect, probably the trichina, in the meat.

Ex-Judge, Robert S. Kennedy, of Stewaresville, died suddenly on Thursday morning, of apoplexy. He was a widely known gentleman, coming from a family of distinguished men. As a citizen he was respected, honored and esteemed in no light manner, and as a public man held the confidence of all. He was for a number of years Associate Judge of Warren county, and he has held many public trusts.

Peter Brown, a well-known young man of Paterson, was assisting a young lady friend to move Saturday morning, about 11:30 o'clock, and helped to get a stove up stairs, when he become suddenly ill, blood issuing from his mouth and in a few minutes expired. He had had disease of the heart for ten years past, and the unusual exertion caused a fatal rupture of some of the vessels near that organ. The shock to the young lady he was assisting, and who was his fiancée, was very great.

One of Chas. Dickens's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Tennyson Dickens, has met a terrible death in Australia, where her husband has, for several years, been living and prospering. She was driving out with her little daughter, when the horse became frightened and, running away, finally overturned the carriage. The child was killed and the young wife was so dreadfully injured that she died in a few hours.

William Rinehart, of Junction, died very suddenly on the 13th inst. Deceased was an engineer on the Central Railroad. He came home as usual on the above named evening, apparently in his usual good health. After supper he complained to his wife of being tired, and lying down on a lounge, was soon to all appearances asleep. He had not slept long before his wife, hearing an unusually strange noise, hastened to his assistance, only to find her husband dead. Death was supposed to have been caused by paralysis of the heart. Deceased was a brother of Samuel Rinehart, Esq. - Clinton Democrat.

Last Thursday afternoon three young men named Hazen Van Horn, William Galloway and Andrew Muchley were bringing a small raft of firewood down the Delaware. About one mile above Belvidere the raft struck a small island and swung out into the river. As it neared a dangerous rift all three sprang into the river. Muchley succeeded in getting ashore. Galloway and Van Horn were drowned. Galloway's body was recovered in a few hours. Van Horn has not been found. Galloway leaves a wife and four small children in destitute circumstances.

Jacob Gray, a well-known farmer, who for a great many years had lived about a mile a half west of this town, died after a brief illness from a painful disease, last Saturday. At one time in his life he conducted a saw mill near his late residence, and there are very few middle-aged persons living within a radius of ten miles who have not heard of "Gray's Saw Mill". The old spot still retains its name though for twenty years or more the business has been discontinued. Mr. Gray enjoyed the esteem of this community as an honest man and a good citizen. His age was about 73 years.

April 8, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 33

Mrs. Mary E. Wainwright, widow of the late Orlando Y. Wainwright, of Toms River, met with an accident of Friday morning, which resulted in almost immediate death. She had taken her seat at the breakfast table, but feeling somewhat chilly, she went up-stairs for a shawl, and as she was returning she fell down stairs, striking her head and causing concussion of the brain.

Terrible Explosion At Frenchtown Last Wednesday afternoon, a few minutes before 4 o'clock, a terrible explosion took place in Frenchtown. The boiler in the large saw-mill belonging to Hiram Deats, and occupied by Charles White and Jacob White, exploded, sending fragments of the building for several hundred yards. Robert R. Swick, an honest, sober, hard working man aged 55 years, was instantly killed. Mr. Swick was the engineer, and has worked at that business for more than twenty years. He leaves a wife and five children. Henry Sigafoos was loading lumber a short distance from the mill, in company with Charles White; they had taken the four horses from the wagon, and the two were engaged in booming the load at the time of the explosion. Mr. Sigafoos was seriously injured, and but little hopes are entertained for his recovery....

April 15, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 34

F.S. Regansburg, editor of the Atlantic Democrat, Egg Harbor, Atlantic county, was buried at Egg Harbor, on Monday, the 7th of April....

The Last Queer One A Bristol paper announced the suicide by hanging of Thomas Konigmacher, of Upper Makefield, Bucks county, Pa. He was found hanging in the barn on the farm which was occupied by the eccentrics known in this city as the Konigmacher Brothers.... Charles, the other brother, died some years ago, leaving everything to Thomas, who has lived alone in his ridiculous way ever since, until, it is supposed, the very barrenness of his surroundings had driven to the fatal melancholy. - State Gazette

Suicide On Friday afternoon, 4th inst., Cyrenus Johnson, of Bethlehem township, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. He was a carpenter by trade and a farmer by occupation. For several years past, we understand, Mr. Johnson had been subject to brief spells of mental derangement at this season of the year, and he was narrowly watched by his family. He was seen to go to the barn by his daughter on the afternoon in question, and although she almost immediately followed him out, the fatal act was accomplished before she discovered the body and could cut the rope.

A track walker named Kelley, a resident of Bloomsbury, was run over on Friday night, April 4th, on the Easton and Amboy Railroad, and instantly killed, near the Musconetcong Creek. He was walking on the track in company with his little son, and stepping out of the way of a special train going west, was run over by a coal train going in the opposite direction. His little son escaped being injured. Mr. Kelley has been in the employ of the company for a long time, and was highly respected as an employee.

John M. Stevens, for many years hotel keeper at Neshanic, died on Wednesday of week before last.

The wife of Rev. R. R. Hoes, of New Rochelle, New York, and an esteemed daughter of Ashbel Welch, Esq., of Lambertville, died at her husband's home, on Wednesday last.

Mrs. Kate Skillen, a spruce young widow of Mechanicsville, is said to have eloped last week, Wednesday, with Obadiah O. Cole, a neighbor, who deserts a wife and three children, while Kate takes her two. Both lopers are represented as sickly and poor. - Clinton Democrat

Joseph K. Chew, the father of Mr. Sinnickson Chew, of the Camden Press, was buried in Salem, one day last week. The deceased was a member of the Legislature from Salem in the years 1842-43.

George W. Halsted, the last of the famous Halsted brothers, of Elizabeth, died at Mount Holly on Sunday, of pneumonia, aged eighty-one years. Two years ago the eldest brother, Ex-Chancellor Halstead, died at Elizabeth, aged eighty-five. Last year Ex-Congressman Halstead died at Trenton, aged eighty-three years.

April 22, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 35

John M. Walters, who was sentenced to State Prison for five years in 1875, has been pardoned, and was released Wednesday. John and a sister and brother lived together in a little house on the road from Hughsville to Springtown and one Sunday afternoon during an altercation, John struck his brother in the back of the head with a stone and killed him, and, subsequently pleading guilty to manslaughter, was sent to prison. It was generally considered at the time that the stone was thrown in the heat of passion, without any intent to kill or injure; and the Court took that into consideration in pronouncing sentence.

About three o'clock last Tuesday morning the body of a man was found lying on one of the tracks in the Central Railroad yard, at Communipaw, and was subsequently recognized as that of John Downs, a brakeman on the Long Branch Division. The unfortunate man was in the habit of sleeping in a caboose, and it is believed that he was on his way from supper when struck by one of the bobtail engines, which are constantly moving about the yard. The time at which the accident happened can be surmised from the fact that his watch had stopped at twenty minutes past eight o'clock. The body was terribly mangled and was taken to Somerville on an early train. Downs was about thirty eight years of age and leaves a wife and four children.

Hezekiah Shafer, the wife murderer, was hanged on Thursday in the jail yard at Chambersburg, Pa...

Ira S. Remey, a farmer aged 42 years, formerly a man of wealth, who lived in Westtown, ten miles south of Middletown, N.Y., was found dead on Friday night, lying on an unfrequented road a mile from his home, where he had perished from exposure. He was of intemperate habits. He leaves a wife and several young children.

On Saturday, 6th inst., William Cornwallis, grandson of Lord Cornwallis, was buried in the Friends' burying ground at Vincentown, Burlington county, at the expense of the township. He once had a large fortune, but wasted it in dissipation.

Mrs. Annie Barker of Jacksonburg, Warren county, has received $1,342 from the U.S. Treasurer, as back pay due her from the death of her son Theodore, who was killed during the late war.

One day recently, William Sutton, of New Germantown, while driving out in company of two young ladies, was thrown from his buggy by the frightening of his horse, which gave a sudden jump, and had his collar-bone broken. Fortunately, no further serious damage was done.

At the funeral of a child of Mr. David Dilts, which took place on the 5th inst., near Three Bridges, there were present five grandfathers of the deceased - three great grandfathers - two grandfathers - and further, their wives are all living and some of them were at the funeral.

April 29, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 36

Finding His Daughter's Body Jacob Eder, of Sayresville, N.J., last Tuesday identified as that of his daughter, the body of the girl found in the water near Sandy Hook. Mr. Eder, who is a German, and is employed in one of the brick-yards at Sayresville, states that on the afternoon of Saturday, January 11th, his two daughters, Frances and Margaret respectively ten and thirteen years old, and a little friend named Katie Mitchell, were on the ice on the Raritan river. Katie and Margaret were drawing Frances on a small hand-sled, and had been so engaged for a long time. Some men on a sloop anchored in the river some little distance off heard a shriek, and saw that all the children had broken through an air-hole in the ice. Rushing to the spot, the men rescued one of the children, Margaret Eder, who was clinging to the edge of the ice, but the two other girls had gone under the ice, being carried away by the tide, which was running fast. This happened in sight of the house where the Eder family lived, and the whole affair was witnessed by several persons from the shore. These persons were too far off to render any assistance. Since that time, up to last Saturday, over three months, nothing was heard of the bodies of either of the lost girls. On Saturday, was a fisherman was following his vocation in the Raritan river, about two miles from Sayresville, toward Amboy, he discovered, on the shore, the body of Kate Mitchell. On Sunday the body of Frances Eder was found at Sandy Hook by Keeper of Light-house, John A. Sutton, almost twenty-miles from the scene of the accident.

John Wagner, of Manheim, York county, Pa., disappeared on the 24th of March, and his body was found in Codorus Creek, near York, on Thursday. It is supposed he fell in the creek while drunk.

Charles Sweet, a deaf mute, aged 38 years, separated from his wife, in Whitehall, N.Y., two weeks ago. He met her on Thursday night in a disreputable house, and shot her through the head three times, inflicting fatal wounds. He then committed suicide.

May 6, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 37

Edward Conover, a brakemen on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was instantly killed in the yard at Hoboken, on Tuesday. He was engaged in coupling cars, when he was caught between the bumpers and crushed to death.

The son of a man named Antony Compte, of Paterson, died a few days ago and was buried on Tuesday. The family attended the funeral and upon their return the father rose to open the door and immediately fell back in the doorway dead. He had been ailing for some time.

Thekla Lipfert, aged five years, whose parents lived in Newark, was run over and instantly killed by a train a the Cottage street crossing of the Pennsylvania Railroad on Tuesday morning. She had been playing near the track with a ball, which rolled away from her and landed near the railroad track. As she went to pick it up she either fell or was drawn under the cars.

Mrs. Betsey O'Neill, of the Water Gap, was picking coal on the railroad track, last week, and seeing a train coming, she stepped from it, leaving a basket of coal behind. Afterwards, thinking she would have time to get the basket from the track, started, got it, and would have got off safety had not her foot caught fast between the plank and the iron rail and held her fast till she was struck by the train, which knocked her loose and clear of the track, breaking her leg and injuring her inwardly, so that death ensued immediately.

Burned To Death In A Hotel A Scranton, Pa., dispatch says: last Wednesday night John Keough, proprietor of the Rising Sun Hotel, at Carbon Hill, and his family, retired to rest. The family consisted of three sons and two daughters, and the father. The sons occupied one room, the daughters a second and the father slept alone. At 1 o'clock, Keough was awakened by hearing one of his daughter scream "Fire!" and on going down stairs he found the entire lower portion of the house in flames. Hastening to the room where his sons were sleeping, he caught up the youngest and rushed with him down stairs, supposing that the others were following. When he reached the yard he discovered that they remained in the building. He returned to rescue them but the entire house was by this time enveloped in flames, and Keough, blinded by the smoke and severely burned by the fire, was forced to retire without finding the children. In the meantime, one of the boys and the elder daughter had succeeded in escaping by the back stairs, but one of the boys, William, age 13, and the younger daughter, Margaret, aged 12, were burned to death.... Keough and one of the boys who escaped were so severely injured by the flames that they are expected to die....

C. L. Cobb, who was a Representative from North Caroline, in the Forty-first, Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses, died at Elizabeth City, N.C., Wednesday.

Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, long and widely known as the editor of Godey's Lady's Book, died at Philadelphia on Wednesday night, in the 91st year of her age.

The Lambertville Record, speaks of a cane that was once the property of Abram Hagerman, grandfather of Peter Hagerman - who died near Ringoes on Monday of last week at the advance age of 85 years. The cane has a heavy bone top and silver bands, and on the band the initials and figures - "A.H., 1733" - are plainly inscribed. The wood is of a very had and durable nature and bears a brass ferrule, of about six inches in length.

May 13, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 38

Last week, Charles F. Freeman, the mail-carrier at Pocasset, Mass., in a freak of religious frenzy, killed his little daughter, Edith, only five years old. The man is a Second Adventist....

Rev. Dr. Greenleaf S. Webb, of New Brunswick, celebrated his 90th birthday on Friday, having been born in Columbia county, N.Y., May 2, 1789.

Aunt Betsy Hendrickson, who helped to put out a fire when the British marched through Jersey, Monmouth ward, firing houses here and there, died in New Haven, Conn., on Friday, May 2nd, aged 113 years.

Thomas Regan, a boy 12 years of age, was left alone at his home on Beacon avenue, Jersey City Heights, Tuesday evening and fell from a chair into a pot of boiling water which stood on the floor by his side. He was horribly scalded and died in less than an hour.

Jacob Vanatta, late Attorney-General of New Jersey, died at his residence in Morristown on the 30th ult. His death was occasioned by over-work.... He was born near Hackettstown in 1825. He was the son of a poor farmer. He was taught the trade of tailor, and after serving his apprenticeship he concluded to "go west" having saved $25. He settled at Jersey, Ohio, where he taught school and afterward was for a year a clerk in the Post Office at that place. Subsequently he returned home and entered the law office of Mr. Theodore Little, at Morristown.... He married a daughter of the late Mahlon Dickerson, but never had any children. The funeral last Saturday was attended by nearly all the State officials, Judges, Ex-Governors, Congressmen, &c. - Monmouth Democrat

Peter W. Burk, an old resident of this place, died on Tuesday night last after long suffering. He was a tailor by trade, and carried on the business for a great many years in the northern wing of the house wherein he dwelt. Some three or four years ago he lost a favorite son, and this sad bereavement affected his mind and completely broke him down. He was a respected citizen, a kind husband and father, and his death is lamented by many friends. He was buried with Masonic honors on Friday afternoon.

The mother of M. S. Welsh, of Mechanicsville, who had for some time past been living with a son-in-law at New Germantown, while standing on a chair one day recently, fell and injured herself so badly that her death resulted soon after. She had stepped upon the chair in order to reach a clothes hook. She was aged about 94 years.

A sudden death occurred in this city last Sunday morning. John Brady, of this city, son of Stephen Brady, aged about twenty years, was walking with two companions along South Main street, near M. Knowlan's store, when he suddenly remarked that he had a terrible pain and feared it would kill him, and fell dead. Sometime before, he had run very rapidly to catch a train, and it is thought he injured himself seriously thereby. - Lambertville Record

Suicide On Friday last, Hamilton Forman, of Frenchtown, was found suspended by a rope fastened around his neck, dead, in his barn on his farm near Milford. Some two years ago, Mr. Forman moved from his farm to Frenchtown, since which time he visited the farm almost daily, overseeing his employees. He left his home as usual on Friday morning about six o'clock and drove to the farm, and about nine o'clock left the hands and went to the barn at which place he was found at noon as above stated. Mr. Forman is reputed to be the wealthiest man in that section of the county. He leaves a wife and several children. No cause is assigned for the act as he was of a cheerful and lively turn of mind. His age was 65 years.

Death of Ex-Sheriff Chamberlin Amplius B. Chamberlin, who has long been a sufferer from disease, died at his residence near Locktown on Friday last. He was born in the interior of the State of New York, coming to Hunterdon county more than fifty years ago. He filled several offices of honor and trust in this county, among them a three-year term as Sheriff, and Secretary of the New Jersey State Senate two years. In 1849, upon the death of Joseph Besson, County Clerk, he was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy from March to November of that year. He was in the 72d year of his age.

May 20, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 39

Death Of An Aged Colored Woman There died in New Haven, Conn., on Friday, May 2d, a colored woman named Elizabeth Hendrickson, who claimed and was supported by relatives and friends in the claim, that she was 113 years old. She was well known, and in 1876 she attended the loan exhibition of relics, and was an object of curiosity to many people. There is no reliable data upon which to determine her age. A man died not long ago at the age of 80 years, whom she said she nursed when an infant. She had been married three times, and had children by her first husband, but they died of old age some years ago. She claimed to have helped when ten years old, to put out a fire in New Jersey caused by British soldiers in the revolutionary war.

Edward Taylor, of Monsey, Bergen county, committed suicide by hanging himself on Thursday of last week. The cause of the suicide is unknown.

James Woolman, a leading citizen of Woodstown, Salem county, died suddenly on Thursday morning. He was largely engaged in the tanning business.

Samuel Carhart, President of Ocean Beach, this State, while waiting for the New York train at that place last Tuesday morning, fell in an apoplectic fit and died in a few moments. He was on of the wealthiest and best known citizens of Monmouth county. Mr. Carhart was a native of Union township, this county, and some twelve or fifteen years age removed to Ocean Beach from High Bridge. His age was about 50 years.

Robert Hoagland, professionally known as Robert Cavella, a balloon trapeze performer, died at his home in Bound Brook, on Thursday of week before last, from the effect of injuries received by a fall while performing at Phoenixville, Pa., in September last.

One by one the aged are falling, and the familiar forms and faces of several men whom we have seen upon these streets from time to time ever since we can remember, have within a fortnight been touched by the resistless hand of Death. We last week announced the demise of ex-Sheriff A. B. Chamberlain and Captain P. W. Burk, and now we have to chronicle the death of John Myers, of Quakertown, aged 91 years; and Joseph K. Potts, of this vicinity, aged about 80 years. May they rest in peace.

Eli young, of Glen Gardner, a Democratic candidate for Assembly some four years ago, died at his residence last week of consumption.

Isaac B. Manning, of Mt. Pleasant, has been sorely afflicted lately. In March he buried a lovely daughter and last week a grown-up son - both victims of that terrible scourge, consumption.

A five month old child John Scully, of East Newark, was accidentally smothered to death on Tuesday night, about 10 o'clock, in the absence of its parents.

On Saturday afternoon last a little colored girl, named Maggie Franklin, living with C. N. Staats, near Bound Brook, fell into the canal and was drowned.

Miss Elizabeth Dorsett, daughter of a well known New Jersey patriot who took part in the battle of Monmouth, will shortly celebrate her 103d birthday at Middletown. The venerable lady is the grand-aunt of ex-Governor Bedle, and a grand gathering of the Dorsetts of Middletown and Hoboken will assist at the celebration ceremonies.

The death of Thomas J. Corson, a widely-known physician of Trenton, is announced. His decease occurred Sunday morning after a long and painful illness. He was born in New Hope, Penn., February 12, 1828, and was graduated as a physician from the University of Pennsylvania, and commenced to practice of medicine in Trenton in 1854. He was a member of Assembly, Physician of the New Jersey State Prison, Superintendent of the Public Schools of Trenton, and President of the New Jersey Medical Society.

May 27, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 40

Mrs. James Allen, of Scranton, Pa., fell from a third story-window on Tuesday, and was killed instantly.

Judge Asa Packer died at Philadelphia at ten o'clock Saturday night, 17th inst., in the seventy-third year of his age. Asa Packer was emphatically a self-made man. He was born in Mystic, Conn...

A special term of the Glouchester county Court for the trial of Michael Tighe for the murder of John Burk, is now in session... The trouble which led to the tragedy grew out of a dispute as to the right of some property. On March 14, 1879, Tighe assaulted Burk with a shovel, striking him on the side of the head with the edge, inflicting a wound about five inches long and so deep that the pulsations of the brain could be seen. The wounded man lingered until March 31, when he died...

Christian Weber, of Paterson, quarreled with his wife one night last week, and when she went to bed he hanged himself to a beam in the ceiling of the kitchen...

Killing His Brother A Baltimore dispatch says: John Stinchcomb, a resident of Severn, Ann Arundel county, Md., while quarreling with his brother Louis today, about some property became very much excited. Finally, John, exasperated at this brother's obstinate refusal to accede to his view of the matter in dispute, drew his revolver and shot him, killing him almost instantly. Leaving him dead in the road some distance from Severn, John returned home and killed himself by a second discharge of the same weapon. John was 50 and Louis 45 years old, and neither married.

A Kentucky girl and her lover had vainly tried for four years to elope together - They were Thomas Owen and Miss Kate Sanford, of Milburn. A few nights ago, Miss Kate bravely jumped out of a window. She broke one of the small bones near the ankle, but Tom got away with her, and she was held on her feet while the marriage ceremony was performed by a sympathizing clergyman.

Richard Farren, a boy 9 years old, came to his death in a singular manner in Everett, Mass., last Thursday afternoon. He had been amusing himself by hanging between the stringers of a bridge on the Eastern Railroad, and pulling himself up so that his head extended above the rails. While in this position and watching an approaching train on the inward track, a train came up behind him on the outward track and severed his head from his body.

A singular accident happened in Paradise township, York county, Pa., on Wednesday afternoon. Samuel Stahle, a blacksmith, aged twenty-two years, whose home was in Littlestown, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Hantz. There were many persons about, so Stahle and other young men threw themselves down on the grass in the yard. Stahle had his open pocket-knife in his hand, when one of the young men jokingly rolled him over. The blade of the knife passed through the ribs and pierced the heart. Stahle died instantly.

A Baby Killed On The Rail A Lancaster, Pa., dispatch says: This morning (Friday) about 7 o'clock, as the Harrisburg Express on the Pennsylvania R.R. was passing Salunga, several miles west of the city, the engineer discovered a child, about twenty months' old, sitting on the track. Before he could stop the train it was struck and instantly killed. The infant was a son of Abram Hall, who lives near the railroad.

A very sudden death occurred in Clinton on Monday morning. Mrs. John Manning, of New Germantown, passing Sunday at the house of her brother-in-law, James Manning, attended the M. E. Church here, in the evening, and during the service was taken with a sort of apoplectic fit. She was carried to Mr. M's place, and medical aid promptly given her, but she died at an early hour the next morning. She was about 55 years of age. - Clinton Democrat

Walter, son of John Henry, of Crosswicks, Burlington county, whose foot was badly cut with glass about a year ago, has just died of lockjaw, supposed to be caused by portions of the glass remaining in his foot.

Mrs. Rebecca Layman, wife of Captain Nelson Layman, of Pedricktown, Salem county, died on Tuesday, 13th inst., of lockjaw, caused by running a splinter in her thumb. She was taken on Sunday and for three days suffered intensely.

A fisherman found the body of a man about fifty-five years old on the shore near the Elberon Hotel, Long Branch, Thursday. It was identified as that of F. T. Miller, of New York, a workingman who lost his wife about a year ago and has since been unsettled in his mind.

June 3, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 41

A young girl named Van Derwork was struck and killed by a train of cars near Elmira, N.Y. on Wednesday last, as she was stepping out of the way of another train.

Wholesale Poisoning in Vermont Eleven children have died from drinking poisoned water from a brook at Newark, Vt., and two others are not expected to live. The brook had been polluted by the carcasses of some sheep and a horse. A Mrs. Morse last two children, Mrs. Aldrich two, Mrs. Carpenter three, and two other of hers it is said will die, taking her entire family.... The latest dispatch received states that two more children of John Aldrich have died from drinking the poisoned water, making five - his entire family. Mrs. Aldrich is insane.

Husbands In The Way Of Their Wife's Paramours Mrs. Kate Cobb and Wesley Bishop have both been sentenced to State prison for life for the murder of Mrs. Cobb's husband; Mrs. Jennie Smith and Covert D. Bennett have been found guilty of having deliberately murdered Mrs. Smith's husband. Mrs. Geo. H. Mack, of Rock Co., Wis., is in State prison for life for the murder of Mr. Mack, and Mrs. Mack's boy paramour, Frank Dickerson, on whose testimony Mrs. Mack was convicted, is now on trial as an accomplice in the murder. In Lowville, in New York State, Mrs. Harriet Merrihew is in prison for the murder of her husband's brother and the attempted murder of her husband.

On day week before last, Miss Sarah Wilson, of Sidney, generally known as "Aunt Sally," fell to the floor, fracturing a wrist-bone. It is claimed that she is oldest person in Franklin township, having been born Oct. 28, 1782, thus being in her 97th year...

A Sad Accident Last Saturday afternoon, Mr. Geo. L. Titus, of this city, took a drive into the county with his wife and twin daughters, to call upon his son, Frank R. Titus, who lives not far from Blackwell's Mills. When near his son's residence, he saw him at work in the field, and got out of the carriage to go over to him. Just at that time, a wagon with milk cans frightened Mr. T.'s horse, which started off. Mr. T. had hold of the lines and he was dragged for a considerable distance, when the lines were pulled from his hands. When near the bridge across the creek at that point, the horse suddenly turned, broke the shafts and upset the carriage. Mrs. Titus and her two daughters were thrown out on a pile of stones, and one of the girls (Bessie) received such serious injuries as to cause her death on Sunday evening last... Bessie was about thirteen years old at the time of her death.

We regret to hear of the death of our well-known old friend Peter J. Young, of Ringoes. On Friday night last, the old gentleman retired at his usual hour in apparent good health, and next morning was found dead in bed, with his cane in his hand, as though about to pound upon the floor for help. He was aged about 83 years, and for the past five years had made his home with his cousin Theo. J. Young, Esq.

We learn that an old gentleman named Hartpence, living near Barber's Station, died last week from the effects of paring one of his toe-nails too close, causing first a profuse bleeding and then mortification, causing his death.

Early Tuesday morning a little boy of Elizabeth, named Morhart, aged six years, died from the effects of a kick in the bowels, received a few days ago from a playmate named Kimler.

Mrs. Phoebe Bond, wife of the late Elihu Bond, a solider of the Revolution, died near Morristown Tuesday of last week, aged 77 years. She had been a pensioner of the Revolution since 1830. Elihu Bond was born at Waverly and served under Washington, taking part in most of the war. When peace had been declared he sought for an old chest that he had buried in the field years before. He found it, with its silver spoons and coin intact. He married the lady who has just died when he was 74 years old, living ten years with her. Two sons by his first wife, the Rev. Lewis Bond and David Bond, aged between 80 and 90 years, are still living.

June 10, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 42

The life of General James Shields, who died on Monday, was eventful enough to have served for the pages of a romance. The emigrant son of an Irishman in humble life, he was three times elected, and from three different States, to the Senate of the United States, the highest political office a naturalized citizen can hold, and the highest except Presidency itself. Upon his arrival in this country in 1826, when the State of Illinois was but eight years old, he settled there, and rising with the country, having read law, and being a man of force of character, he was singled out by his neighbors as a representative man, and served them as a lawyer, legislator, Judge of the Supreme Court and General.

A Kingston dispatch says: Three deaths have recently occurred from typhus fever in the family of John Hagerty, who lives near the village of Milton in this county. A son was buried last week, and other members of the family suffering from the same disease are not expected to live.

Aunt Betsey Dorsett Miss Elizabeth Dorsett, the centerarian, died at the residence of the late Ezra Osborn, at Middletown, at half-past ten o'clock on Saturday night, May 31, aged 101 years, 11 months and 16 days. She had been confined to her bed about two weeks. Her physicians say that she had no physical ailment, but life gave way from the weight of years. The N.Y. Herald of Monday says: This remarkable woman was born at Bethany, midway between Middletown and Matawan, June 15, 1777. Her memory extended back to the closing years of the Revolution, and she was one of the very few persons living in this age who had seen and had conversed with General Washington. She resided at the place of her birth until 1838, when she removed to Matawan, then known as Middletown Point. For the last twenty years of her life she has had a home at the residence of Mr. Osborn, whose wife was Miss Dorsett's niece. Upon reaching her centennial birthday, it was intended by Miss Dorsett's relatives and friends to celebrate the event, but the precarious health of Mr. Osborn, who was then living, and who has since died, forbade.

A woman shoots another, and all for love! A case of this kind recently occurred near Snow Hill, Md. A Miss Lillie Duer shot a Miss Ella Hearn, so that she died soon after, and the trial of Miss Duer for murder is now progressing....

At Roherville, Washington county, Md., on Tuesday, Lewis S. Miller, aged 15, shot and killed Charles Norris, about the same age.

On The Life Of Late Peter J. Young It was with profound sorrow that I announce the sudden death of Mr. Peter J. Young, an aged and highly respected citizen of Ringoes. For the last seven years he has been making his home with his cousin, Mr. Theo. J. Young.... Peter J. Young was born Sept. 10, 1797, in Amwell township. He received a common English education, which cultivated a strong desire for reading, of which he was very fond. He was descended from one of the old settlers of this county. His grandfather, Peter Young, who was a native of Germany, came to this county and settled at or near Pottstown, N.J., now a small village, where he remained but a short time. Soon afterwards he took up a large tract of land which he bought of the Indians, situate on the northern slope of Sourland Mountain, only a short distance from where now stands the village of Wertsville, on a portion of which some of his descendants resided a few years ago. Peter J. Young was the son of Jacob Young, and the oldest of seven children. His father lived a short distance from the village of Ringoes, owning the farms on which now reside Mr. Wm. Sutphin and Mr. Jeremiah Young, brother of deceased. He was probably as good a historian as we had in the county, his memory being very retentive of facts and dates. He had in his possession a great many old papers and documents, which were left him by his old uncle, Mr. John Lequear, of whom I have heard him speak in the warmest terms... In 1825 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Guthrey, by the Rev. James McLaughlin, she being six years his senior.... They lived almost forty years together in unbroken happiness, except by the loss of their children. He was the surviving member of the whole family. He saw laid away in quick succession his wife and three sons. On the death of the last and youngest son he sold his farm to the present owner, Mr. John Kise, retiring from active duties in the decline of life, upon a decent competence, with the respect of all who knew him.... On June 3, 1879, the funeral services were held at the Kirkpatrick Memorial Church, conducted by the Rev. Dr. Miller... His remains were interred by the side of his wife's in the old Dutch burying ground at Pleasant Corner....

During the week ending Sunday, five of the seven children of Gustav Albrecht, a shoemaker on Palisade avenue, Jersey City, died of small-pox. The surviving two are low with the disease, but it is believed , are out of danger. The children contracted the disease from a little friend living next door, who died.

June 17, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 43

County Finances The County of Hunterdon in Account with Joseph Smith, County Collector, form May 8, 1878 to May 14, 1879. Paid Taxed Costs in Criminal Cases, To Justices, Constanbles, &c. J. W. Hummer, constable, State vs. Wm. Sutton and others - 10.58

Expended For Bridges Wesley Sutton - 25.25

Edward Parr, who was convicted in the Philadelphia Courts a few days since, of murdering his daughter, swallowed a dose of arsenic soon after the Judge had passed sentence of death on him, and in spite of immediate medical attendance, died the next day.

Elijah Iliff, residing at New Hampton, died very suddenly, Friday week, at Easton. He had been complaining for some time and had gone there to receive medical treatment.

After many years of faithful service as salesman and bookkeeper with Messrs. Peter I. Nevius and Wm. E. Anderson, our friend, John W. Umpleby has been called away by death. He died on Tuesday morning last at his residence in this town, from consumption.

Ruliff Ten Eyck, a native of Readington township, but for some years a resident of Elizabeth, was buried at Mechanicsville, where he formerly lived, last Saturday week. He was prostrated by a sun-stroke a few days previously and that brought on apoplexy, causing his death.

On Friday, 5th inst., there died at Neschanic and old gentleman, Abm. A. Quick. He was born and had always lived in Somerset county, as did also his wife, Ann Peterson, who died on February 2nd last. What is peculiar about their demise is that they were so near of one age, he being at the time of his death, 76 years 2 months and 10 days, and she being just 76 years old.

The Trenton State Gazette gives the following account of the death of Mrs. Silas W. Volk, a sister of the late Robert R. Ramsey, of this place: A Sudden Death Yesterday morning (June 10th), Mrs. Silas W. Volk, residing on Spring street, got up as usual, but was compelled to return to her bed in a few moments by reason of being taken suddenly ill. In a little while afterwards her little girl was sent up stairs to call her and returned saying she guessed her mother was dead. Upon going up stairs the husband found that the guess was only too true. She had been a sufferer with consumption. Mr. and Mrs. Volk formerly lived in Flemington.

Charles K. Landis, of Vineland, has been granted a divorce on the ground of desertion. This a startling sequel to the killing of Carruth, his wife's defamer.

Edward J. Anderson, of Newfoundland, was carelessly handling a revolver a few days ago, when it was discharged, and the ball entered the lower part of his abdomen, passing downward through the thigh. He has since died from the effects of the wound.

Jennie R. Smith and Covert D. Bennett were on Monday last sentenced by Judge Knapp, to be hanged on the 25th of July for the murder of policeman, Richard H. Smith, at Jersey City.

June 24, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 44

The second murder in Sussex county within a fortnight took place on Sunday night, the last victim being the wife of Daniel Vanorden, who is accused of kicking and beat his wife to death. They resided in a tenement house on the Joseph Osborn farm, in Frankford township.

Mrs. Matthew C. Perry, widow of the famous old Commodore, who died at Newport on Saturday, was about eighty years old, but had retained all her faculties and was able to ride out until ten days before her death. Mrs. Perry was a sister of John Slidell, who was captured at sea, in company with Mason, early in the rebellion, by Captain Wilkes, of the navy, and was mother of Mrs. August Belmont and Mrs. George Tiffany, at whose residence she died.

The wife of ex-Senator Leon Abbett, of Jersey City, who has been seriously ill with a cancer in the stomach, died on Monday.

On Wednesday morning, of week before last, New York was horrified by the news that Mrs. J. L. DeForrest Hull, wife of Dr. A. G. Hull, had been found dead, gagged, tied and blindfolded, on the bed in her room at 140 West Forty-second St...

The Somerset Messenger says: Jesse E. Crammer, aged about 65, formerly of Hunterdon county, and lately employed on the farm of John Rehill, died Tuesday evening, after a very short illness at the house of his son, John Crammer, in Somerville. He was afflicted with hernia and had been operated upon without obtaining relief.

William B. Stryker, an old resident of Lambertville, who had been for some time rather indisposed, but not altogether confined to the house, was attacked by a profuse hemorrhage from the lungs last Wednesday evening, and died in a moment.

July 1, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 45

A Bride Goes Over Niagara Falls Mrs. A. Rolland, aged about twenty-five years, wife a A. Rolland, manufacturer of fire-arms, 51 Boulevard D'Avroy, Liege Belgium, lost her life at Niagara Falls Saturday....

Married At Ninety-Eight Years George Lessard called upon Mr. Desnoyers yesterday afternoon to claim his pension due him for his services in the War of 1812. He is ninety-nine years of age and hale and hearty. Four times has he been married; with his first wife he lived thirty-three years, when she died; he married his second wife, who died within a year; his third marriage was more fortunate and after thirty-one years of happiness, she also departed this life. Last year, for the fourth time, the old veteran entered the matrimonial state, and he appears perfectly contented with life. - Montreal Witness, 17th ult.

On Saturday morning, 21st ult., the family of Stewart Rounsaville, living near Stanton, were horrified at finding the dead body of the husband and father hanging in the barn..

Sudden Death Last Thursday afternoon, Barzilla Robbins, a well-known citizen of Mattison's Corner, drove into town with his wife to do some shopping. They had been here but a short time when Mr. Robbins complained of feeling unwell, and he was advised to sit down awhile in one of the chairs upon the Union Hotel porch. Becoming worse, Dr. Keeler, was called and the suffering man was helped up stairs and put to bed. He had scarcely been laid down when it was found that he was dying. He had for some time been subject to heart disease and his sudden and unexpected taking off is attributed to this disease. Mr. Robbins was a worthy man, and his death is widely lamented.

Sergeantsville Items

Mrs. R. H. Clayton will, in a short time, start for Nebraska to join her husband who emigrated to the above State last Spring.

One day last week, Lavinia Waton, colored, living near Haines' Neck, in Salem county, while slacking oyster shell line in a barrel, the lime exploded while she was looking over it. A quantity of the lime few down her throat, from the effects of which she died in a few hours.

Miss Sallie Sutton, aged 80 years, living in Harrison county, was frightened by a bumble bee which flew into the room, and attempting to escape from it, fell to the floor, receiving injuries from which she died. - Louisville Courier-Journal.

Two Children Marrying James J. Quillan and Minnie G. Brown are the children of respectable parents, residing at Newburg, N.Y. They are both very young to think of matrimony, being respectively 17 and 15 years of age. ... Even this availed nothing, for the young couple on Tuesday last started north in the direction of Marlborough, and stopped on the way in Middlehope, where they found the Rev. H. C. Earle, a Methodist minister, who made them husband and wife.

July 8, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 46

Henry White, aged 50 years, employed in a slaughter house at West Somerville, Mass., was gored to death by a bull which he was leading into the slaughter house on Tuesday.

John Davidson, aged 30, employed by the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, in attempting to get off a loaded coal car while it was in motion at Trenton on the afternoon of the 30th ult., had his foot caught between two tracks and was thrown down. The car passed over him and injured him so badly that he died in a few minutes.

Two Men Blown To Atoms The giant powder magazine at Mowbray's nitro glycerine works, in Massachusetts, exploded about one o'clock on Monday afternoon last, killing Jack Pierce and William Long, who were in the building mixing blasting powder.... Pierce leaves a wife and three children, Long was a single man.

There is considerable excitement in Jewish society in Jersey City over the marriage of Sarah Levy, a young and prepossessing Jewess, to George Maes, a Christian...

Sad Disaster Near Trenton An excursion resort one mile below Trenton, called Morris Island, was the scene of a fatal disaster on the afternoon of July 4th. As the excursion boat was approaching the wharf hundreds of persons on the island rushed toward it to get on board when it landed. The wharf suddenly gave way under the weight, and about seventy-five persons were thrown into the river. - There was the greatest excitement. Several were taken out injured. Mrs. Andrew Johnson, her little son 5 years old, and a little girl named Miller were drowned.

William Naylor, who was so badly injured by a fall from a cherry tree on Friday of week before last, died at his residence in White House Station on the following day. His age was about 70 years.

Mahlon C. Hart, an old and well-known resident of Flemington, died on Monday morning last, aged about 79 years. He was at one time proprietor of the Union Hotel - some thirty years ago.

A fine horse of George B. Sutton, Esq., of Fairmount, while plowing a few days since, was annoyed by flies so that he got his harness in some way tangled, became frightened and ran away, receiving injuries which leave him in a critical condition.

As engineer Joseph B. Case was approaching Somerville with his train last Friday, he saw a colored man bending over the track as though he had placed himself in that position on purpose to be hit by the locomotive. And in this he succeeded. Paying on attention to the danger signal, and Mr. Case being unable to stop the train before reaching him, the cow-catcher struck the man on the head, crushing his skull and fatally injuring him. His name was James Kline, and his age is about 80 years.

A Mrs. Jacob Schultz, of Bayonne, attempted to hasten her fire with kerosene on Saturday last, with the usual result. - She was so badly burned that she died in a few hours.

Two brothers, George and Eldridge Ryan, aged respectively 13 and 9 years, living at Harrison, were amusing themselves with a revolver on Monday last. They then went bathing, after which George again began playing with the pistol, prying up the hammer with a nail. While doing so the hammer slipped and the weapon was discharged, the ball entering the left side of his little brother, just below the heart. The boy died before medical attendance could be produced.

Ann Sanson died on Friday last at Paterson. She was a working woman, who had saved several hundred dollars....

Homicide in Paterson James Alfred Osborne, known as Dick Osborne, a workman for Joseph Hartley, of 46 Jersey street, Paterson, died last Tuesday in Paterson from injuries inflicted by John Hartley, his employer's son.... Osborne was married and had two children.

July 15, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 47

Still With Her Husband Annie Moore, the young woman of Beaver, Pa., who caused a sensation last May by eloping with and marrying a negro, has been found living quietly with her negro husband, Frank Alexander, in the small town of Salem, Ohio...

Mrs. Mary Ludy, of Frederick county, Md., died recently at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Her first husband, John Warrenfeltz, died fifty years ago under rather singular circumstances....

Miss Margaret Wright of Albany, who has been visiting friends in Newark, was married recently at the office of the Western Union Telegraph Company to Dr. F. M. Shaw, of Los Angelos, Cal., who was then in San Francisco. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. S. Coit, pastor of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal church....

On Sunday morning, a small son of Edward Errickson, of this city, was seriously burned while playing with matches. It appears that by some means the little fellow got access to the match-safe and with a match set his clothing on fire. The flames were smothered, but unfortunately not until the lad's body was so badly burned that he died from the effects at an early hour on Tuesday morning. - Lambertville Record.

Rev. Thomas Walters, pastor of the Hackensack M. E. Church, and in 1858 pastor of our Flemington M. E. Church, died at his residence on Monday last of pneumonia.

On Saturday evening last, 5th inst., Peter Bowlby died at the residence of his son-in-law, J.H. Martindell, No. 211 E. Front street, Trenton after a long and painful illness. He was born at New Hampton, Hunterdon county, July 5th, 1795, making him eighty-four years old on the day of his death. He served under Frelinghuysen in the war of 1812.

On Tuesday afternoon, a colored child named John H. Pasco, aged 4 years, living at No. 39 Lane street, Paterson, while trying to dip a cup of water from a barrel spring near his home, fell in and was drowned.

John O. Day, a Plainfield boy aged 14, was drowned while bathing in a pool of water in a brick yard near Netherwood, on Wednesday. The lad was alone, and being seized with cramps was drowned before assistance could reach him.

Jessie Dunbar, of Matawan, twenty years old, a music teacher, was walking in Toohey's Grove on Saturday afternoon and some boys throw fire-crackers, where they exploded under her skirts. Her clothing caught fire and she was so severely burned that she died at 8 o'clock.

Joseph A. Blair, who shot and killed his coachman, John Amstrong, at Montclair, on the afternoon of the 26th ult. was released from the Newark jail on Saturday morning last....

Killed Himself With A Spoon Says the Cleveland (0) Herald: John D. Cooley, a young Pennsylvanian, in jail for horse-theft, got a spoon when his supper was given him last night. Secreting the spoon, he sharpened it on a stone, and before midnight had cut his throat with it, being dead when found.

July 22, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 48

How Four Sisters Died A dispatch to the World on July 4 announces the drowning in North Carolina by the upsetting of a boat of the four daughters of Captain Appleton Oaksmith.... The father and two boys were saved. The names of the girls were Bessie, aged twenty-one, born in New York; Corinne, aged nineteen, born in Brooklyn; Mildred, aged nine, born in England, and Pauline, aged sever, born on board the bark Troubadour, in the German ocean..

Prof. J. W. Macbeth, who taught school in this place some six years ago, died at Morgantown, West Virginia, on day last week. At the time of his death, he was a Professor in the college at Morgantown.

Lizzie Matthews, aged eight years, was burned to death at South Amboy last Thursday afternoon, by attempting to kindle a fire with kerosene. The can exploded, setting fire to her clothes.

July 29, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 49

The bodies of George Bramell, aged twenty-two years, and his sister, aged seven years, who were drowned in the Delaware river in front of their residence, about a mile below Billingsport, on Friday evening last, were recovered on Sunday afternoon, about a mile or a mile and a half from the scene of the disaster...

A sad accident occurred at Monmouth Beach on Friday evening in the drowning of Willie Noyes, the son of Dr. Henry D. Noyes, physician of New York city, who has a cottage at Long Branch. It appears that James Derwin, a boatman, accompanied by the boy, who was 9 years old, and a boat full of still younger children, started from the Monmouth Beach Cottage settlement in a sailboat up the Shrewsbury river. After going as far as Seabright, the boatman undertook to tack, when the boom struck young Noyes and precipitated him into the water...

One of the most terrible deaths imaginable befel Richard A. Jones, an employee of the Johnstown, Pa., Rod Mill. His duty was to guide the red hot wires, which were being twisted into ropes, from one roller to another. The wires twisting at the rate of 300 revolutions per minute, and at the time of the accident were as limber as twine, owing to their condition of almost white heat. One end of the wire became krinkled, and flying from the roller wrapped tightly around the body of the unfortunate workman, who was standing close to the machine. He was pulled on to his hands and knees as the wire moved on, and a second later another workman severed it with a blow of the axe; but Jones' death had been instantaneous. In less than ten seconds the wire had passed completely through the body and both arms of the workman.

Hattie Ludwig, a pretty young girl who for a number of years has lived near McKeesport, Pa., in the household of a rich farmer named Grey, left home a few weeks ago, and has been traced to Bonson, Ohio, where she has married a coarse and illiterate negro, who used to be in the employ of Mr. Grey. The case is almost incredible, considering that the girl had received a liberal education and was connected with some of the best families of McKeesport, while Bronson, the negro, heavily built, coarse and repulsive featured, himself was married to a negro woman of his own kind, and the father of four children.

At Springfield, Union county, Nellie Sullivan, aged 15 years, gave birth to an illegitimate child on the 11th of the present month. Her father, Michael Sullivan, took the child and buried it alive, face downward. The doctor demanded to see it, and after it was taken out of the ground it was revived and breathed for half an hour. Sullivan was arrested and imprisoned, but declares that he thought the child was dead. The girl tried to take all the blame from her father, saying that she thought, too, that the child was dead. The father of the child is said by the girl to be a married man named Isidore Schallier.

Michael Potter, of Willow Grove, Salem county, celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday upon the 18th inst., by a reunion of his descendants, numbering 168 persons.

August 5, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 50

Killing A Convict A convict at Sing Sing Prison, N.Y., was shot dead Friday afternoon by a Keeper. John Barrett was the convict's name and he had been sent to the prison in 1877 for three years for burglary....

Joseph A. Holden, who several years ago resided in Frenchtown, and carried on an extensive business in buying grain and grinding the same, died at his residence in Uniontown, Warren county, N.J., on Tuesday of last week, at an advanced age.

Last Tuesday noon, James C. W. Gandey, a thirteen year old son of William H. Gandey, of Lambertville, was drowned in the canal feeder at that place. The Record says: He was engaged in fishing from the bridge and fell off. Two or three lads who were with him endeavored to save him by extending a pole, but he did not appear to see it, and sank to the bottom. This sad death is a severe blow to his parents, the more so, as he was their only son.

On Thursday afternoon last, John, a fourteen-year-old son of John Alpaugh of Stockton, met with his death by being run over by a wagon laden with manure. He was seated on the front of the wagon, and the mules which were attached to it, were frightened by a small dog which ran at them. He was thrown from his seat, and so seriously injured that death took place in a short time.

Last Friday morning, Mrs. Jane Quigley died very suddenly at her residence in New Hope. She was about 70 years of age. - Her death was caused by hemorrhage of the lungs.

New Brunswick, N.J., July 31. Miss Jessie Gould, Mrs. Donnegan, a young widow, Miss Kate Horan, William Guise, and George Kenyon went down the Raritan River in a row-boat today. As they were about to return they noticed a tugboat, towing several vessels, coming up the river, and concluded to save the labor of rowing again the tide by getting a line from one of the vessels. They rowed to the side of a schooner, which was one of the fleet in tow, and were about to make their boat fast as the schooner swung around, striking the rowboat and swamping it. The occupants were all thrown into the water. The tugboat was stopped, and every effort was made to rescue the party. Miss Gould, as she came to the surface, caught hold of a chain, and was rescued. The two young men were both taken from the water much exhausted, but Miss Horan and Mrs. Donnegan both same, and their bodies were not recovered.

August 12, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 51

The Georgia papers announce the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Sims, lately a resident of Lee county in that State. The notable thing about her is that she was born the same year that witnessed the birth of Napoleon the Great - 1769 - and had consequently attained the extraordinary age of 110 years.

Fatal Lightning A dispatch from Pittsburg on Thursday last says: A severe rain storm struck the city this afternoon. Hail fell in large quantities. Mrs. Kate McCarthy, wife of a laborer who resides in the east end, was instantly killed by lightning. The bolt struck the chimney, passing down and out the door. She was standing in the doorway. There were six children in the house, and the building escaped without injury or damage.

Frank Ogden, an Elizabeth newsboy, was drowned at Bound Brook last week while bathing in the Delaware and Raritan canal.

Miss Georgiana Hall, a young lady of Raritan, was so badly burned by the upsetting of a kerosene lamp on Saturday, 2d inst., that she died of her injuries on the following Monday.

Ellen Brannigan, aged 3 years, of No. 138 Essex street, Newark, drank some eye water on Tuesday night last and gave some to her two brothers, aged two years and six months, respectively. A physician was summoned, but the youngest child died in two hours.

On Monday afternoon last, as the steam boat Jesse Hoyt was off Fort Richmond, Staten Island, on her way to Long Branch, one of her passengers threw off his coat, vest and shoes and jumped overboard and disappeared. In a satchel belonging to the man papers and letters were found which seemed to identify him as E. D. Johnson, of Toms River.

General News

Robert McAllister, aged 27 years, was killed by the caving in of a new shaft in the Glendon mine, at Easton, Pa., on Thursday.

Thomas E. Beeves, said to be the son of "Sir Thomas Beeves, baronet of Norfolk, England," committed suicide by poison, in Denver, Col., on Wednesday night.

Henry Rhinebeck, of Pittsburg, Pa., was fatally injured while driving from a bathing landing at Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday. His head struck the bottom and his neck was fractured.

Ex-Judge Robert Rusling, of Hackettstown, N.J., died on Tuesday afternoon last....

We learn that one day week before last, son of Henry Hines, aged ten years, living near Milford, started a fire with kerosene and set the can upon the stove when it caught fire and burst, setting the boy on fire. A carpet was thrown over him, but he was burned so badly that he died soon after.

Miss Emily, daughter of George Wal?, resideing on the Spruce Run Hotel property, arose in good health on Thursday morning week, and while dressing to attend the Spruce Run Church Festival, died almost instantly. Doctors Hunt and Davis made an examination on the body, and found that the bursting of a blood tumor was the cause of her death. She was in her 19th year.

The Somerville papers last week told a sad story of the death of Miss Georgiana Hall, of Raritan, aged 22 years. The young lady was visiting friends in Somerville, and just as she had seated herself at the piano, a kerosene lamp was accidentally knocked over, which exploded and set fire to her clothing. Before the flames could be extinguished she was fatally burned. She was a daughter of Thomas Hall, and was young lady of unexceptional character and fine attainments.

In a recent issue a Ringoes correspondent stated that the remains of one Kershow, at one time Sheriff of Hunterdon county, were lying in the grave-yard at that place and asked at what period in our county's history the deceased was its Sheriff. We have examined the records carefully and fail to find such a name among the list. The nearest we can come to it is the name of Joshua Corshon, who was Sheriff of Hunterdon in 1785. No doubt this is the man referred to by our correspondent.

Jimmy Stevens, of Binghamton, sought shelter under a low butternut tree in a thunder storm, August 1st, and was killed by lightning.

Shot At A Deer and Killed A Man The New Orleans Picayune gives an account of a fatal accident that occurred on the plantation of David Kennedy, near Old Hickory, in Simpson county, Miss., on Thursday last, by which Arthur Gibson lost his life. .. He lived until Sunday, when death released him from his suffering. He was a young man of good habits and the main support of a widowed mother and an aged grandfather and grandmother.

August 19, 1879, Forty First Vol., No. 52

A special dispatch from Newport, Perry county, Pa., says that Wm. K. Miller, of Harrisburg, recently married to Mary Hamaker, of Montgomery's Ferry, was last week killed by Samuel E. Albright, a rejected suitor of the wife...

J. P. Benson, while chasing a cat Wednesday morning, at Troy, N.Y., ran head foremost against a tree. His skull was fractured and he died instantly.

Ex-President Grant's Daughter Dead Mrs. Nellie Sartoris, daughter of Gen. Grant, is dead. Mrs. Sartoris was married in the White House on May 21, 1874, to Algernon C. T. Sartoris of England, by the Rev. Dr. Tiffany. Mr. Sartoris is the son of Edward Sartoris of Hampshire, England. Since their marriage they have lived in England.

An extraordinary and fatal event occurred at Hyde Park, Dutchess county, N.Y., on Wednesday, about 10 o'clock in the morning. Charles E. Jewell is a New York policeman, who moved from Poughkeepsie to New York. His family consisted of himself and wife and one child, a boy 10 years of age, named Tillson Jewell. The latter has been spending his vacation with his grandmother, near Hyde Park.... The boy was taken into the house and laid upon a lounge. His attendants had much trouble in tearing his hands from his head, but finally succeeded, when it was discovered that he had been terribly stung by hornets. He died in half an hour...

Asher Hill, an old and highly respected citizen of this township, died on Saturday morning last, at his residence near this town, after a long illness. He was a farmer by occupation.

Jacob Vandeveer, of this place, died on Wednesday last, at an advanced age. For a year past he had suffered from paralysis and his death was not unexpected.

Thomas Vannest, a well-known farmer of Neshanic, died very suddenly last Saturday morning. He had been away from home on the previous day and returning on the train in the evening, he complained of feeling unwell, but no one suspected that it was to be his last sickness. He was a jovial man, a good neighbor and firm friend.

Nathan Holt, of Kingwood township, met with his death last Friday. He had been out from home and in returning, his horse became frightened and ran away, throwing Mr. Holt violently from the wagon, injuring him so severely that he died during the night. He was a very large man, weighing over three hundred pounds.

The remains of the late Mr. John Johns, grandson of the Rev. Dr. Timothy Johnes, of Revolutionary fame, who administered Communion to Gen. Washington in the Presbyterian Church, at Morristown, N.J., in the Winter of 1780, were last week interred in the cemetery connected with the church.

Mrs. Robert Wakefield, of Newark, died almost instantly at Spring Lake, at six o'clock on Monday evening, while about to enter the water with a female friend to bathe. She was proprietress of the Villa Park Hotel and had been in the habit of bathing daily and had already entered the water a short distance on this last occasion when she was suddenly attacked with apoplexy and died in less than a minute. She was about fifty years of age, and leaves a husband and other relatives in Newark.

August 26, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 1

Wiliam Henry Odenheimer, Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey, died at Burlington, after a prolonged and painful illness, on Thursday afternoon, the 16th inst. He was born in Philadelphia, August 11, 1817, coming of a sturdy stock, and inheriting great vigor of mind and health of body.

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. James Manning, of Clinton, was celebrated on Wednesday of week before last.... It may be of interest to mention the fact that Mrs. Manning is a little woman, only weighing 410 pounds.

Miss Mary Ann Smith, who has been living with the family of J. Potts, Esq., near Stanton Station, for some years past, in arising from the breakfast table last Tuesday morning, slipped and fell upon her right arm, breaking both bones at the wrist. Miss Smith is 78 years of age, and is a grand-daughter of Henry Schmidt, (now pronounced Smith), who was the progenitor of the great Smith family of this and the adjoining counties. He was the father of seventeen children, nine of them sons, all of whom fought in the Revolutionary war.

A child of George B. Fisher, of Sparta, Sussex county, seated in a high chair, while being moved up to the tea table on Saturday evening, seized the tea pot and emptying the contents upon himself was so badly scalded that it died on Sunday night at about ten o'clock.

An Unusual Event In Salem county an event occurred recently which probably has no parallel. Mrs. Sarah Achley, widow of the late Uriah Ackley, over eighty-eight years old, was buried, and around her grave stood thirteen of her own children, some of them seventy years of age. She has borne fourteen children and left a living family of 113 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She was one of the old-time Methodists, having experienced religion when she was twelve years of age and been a member of the M.E. Church for seventy-five years. She was in all respects a noble, devoted and faithful Christian woman, and as "Mother Ashley" was widely known throughout South Jersey. Her husband died twenty-five years ago, aged seventy-four years.

William Singleton awoke at his home in Newark and found his wife by his side dead. He had been on a spree and came home "fuddled." It was found that the poor woman had died of starvation. Her husband, a poor man, made no effort to support her, and being an uncomplaining, amiable creature, she had suffered in silence.

The Girard (Kansas) Press says: We learn that a seven-year-old son of Frank Swinger, of Walnut township, died on Tuesday of last week. He had been sick several weeks and after his death a post-mortem examination was made, when it was discovered that a number of watermelon seeds were lodged in his stomach and had become hardened in a lump. During his illness he occasionally vomited up a seed and physicians tried to relieve him, but failed.

A little girl aged three years, named Julia Corrigan, who was stopping with her uncle at Deans, near New Brunswick, was found drowned on Monday evening in a brook near the house. She had evidently wandered away from the other children, and was not missed by them until so found.

We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Wm. S. Gardner, of Bloomsbury, which occurred on Saturday, 23d ult., after a long and painful illness. Her funeral was largely attended on Thursday last. The deceased was greatly respected by a large circle of friends.

Mrs. Jane Eldridge, of this city, died rather unexpectedly on Sunday evening of this week, from a somewhat singular cause. About a week ago what was thought to be a felon appeared on one of her thumbs, and it inflamed the arm for some distance below the elbow. Saturday the thumb turned black and death ensued as above stated. - Lambertville Record.

James R. See, of Greenville, while out in a boat on Newark bay with two friends on Sunday expressed a desire to take a bath. He stood up in the boat, and telling his friends he would show them how to dive, he sprang overboard and was drowned. It is supposed he struck his head aginst a rock, as there was a large cut on the forehead when the body was found.

September 9, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 3

Death In Toadstools A fatal case of poisoning by toadstools occurred at Linden, Union county, Monday, six member of the family of Frederick Lussig, a German, formerly employed on the farm of ex-Assemblyman Blancke, having been taken ill. The toadstools were cooked for the Sunday evening meal. Before morning all the family were affected. At seven o'clock, Monday morning, Freddie, the youngest , one year old, died and at one o'clock in the afternoon, Lena, aged four, died also. Monday evening the mother, Mrs. Matilda Lussig, was seriously ill. The oldest child, Lizzie, aged seven, was believed to be out of danger and the second child, Annie, aged between five and six year, was in a dangerous condition and believe to be dying. The father, who was absent when the supposed mushrooms were gathered and cooked, and who ate slightly, was not seriously affected and is out of danger.

The following, from the Elizabeth Journal, should be read carefully by the boys of this town: A very sad accident occurred last Wednesday in Roselle near the Central Railroad. One of Reeve & Williams's ice wagons, loaded with large blocks of ice, was passing along the street, when Mr. Miller Moore's little son, aged 4 years, ran up behind the wagon, as boys frequently do, to get a piece of ice. A large cake just at that moment toppled over and fell on the little boy, crushing him and killing him instantly.

Roasted Alive A fearful accident occurred near Salamanaca, N.Y., on the Rochester and State Line Railroad, Tuesday morning. An oil train ran into another ahead, the heavy fog preventing the engineer from seeing it. The engineer and fireman of the rear train jumped and escaped without dangerous injury though the fireman was severely bruised. The engine went crashing into the caboose of the first train, turning it bottom-side up down the very high embankment, with the brakeman, Henry Thurstone, of Rochester, who was making his first trip, underneath it. The car took fire and he perished in the flames, being literally roasted alive...

September 16, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 4

A distressing accident occurred at Manalapan station on Tuesday morning last. Frank, a three-year-old son of Mr. Joseph Herbert, who keeps the store near the station, was playing on the track, when conductor Riddle's express train from Freehold went along at the rate of fifty miles an hour. The engine struck the little fellow on the head and hurled him from the track, killing him instantly....

The Smith Family Reunion The Smith family reunion called out a great crowd of people to Peapack, Somerset county, Wednesday. They came from all regions, and in spite of the drizzling rain spent a day of enjoyment at the old homestead. Isaiah Smith, of Milburn was the President, and Abraham Smith, Vice President... The Smiths of the direct line and the Smiths of the Garrabrant and Cole branches separated. The first represent about 3500 Smiths, 600 of them living about Morristown, Peapack and Mendham. The Cole number about 1500 and the Garrabrants 1000. The Rev. Wm. Anderson, of Fordham, N.Y., delivered the historical address, from which it appeared that John Heinrich Schmidt, of Holland, emigrated to Peapack in the reign of George II, and the family descend from him.

The body of Nelson Prudhomme, twenty-five years old, who resided in West Troy, N.Y., was found on Wednesday on the upper deck of the steamboat Belle, of the Schuyler line, lying at the foot of West Fourteenth street. Whether he shot himself, or whether the captain of the boat accidentally hit him when firing at supposed river pirates, will be made the subject of an investigation.

Mrs. Alonzo Blizzard, of Bridgeton, put her daughter, aged seven months to bed on Saturday morning last. Going to it some time later, she was shocked to find it dead. It had slipped between the bed and the wall, catching by its head, and was thus held until life was extinct. The physician called in pronounced it a clear of accidental strangulation.

September 23, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 5

Judge Shouse, one of the most prominent citizens of Easton, Pa., died suddenly on Friday, the 12th inst.

Three Western Murders Dr. Sturman, an old citizen of Charlton county, Mo., was assassinated while traveling along the road in a buggy, about fifteen miles from Glasgow, last Saturday night. Some twenty buckshot and two pistol balls entered his body, killing him instantly.... The body of a man, supposed to be Harry Merritt, a traveler for a soap manufacturer at Buffalo, or Dayton, Ohio, was found dead, terribly mangled, on the track of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, near Cannon Station, Wyandotte county, Kansas, on Sunday morning. An examination shows the man had been murdered, he having a pistol ball in the head and a terrible stab in the left breast.. George Greenwood was shot and killed by Frank Moffatt, at Hannibal, Missouri, on Sunday night. Whiskey and a quarrel about a woman brought on the row which terminated in the murder.

A Midnight Horror A shocking calamity occurred last Thursday night at a fire in a tenement in South Boston. Nearly all the occupants were asleep at the time. The scene was one of the greatest distress, as the imprisoned victims appeared on the roof and at windows in vain attempts to seek safety. Several were burned to death, and others badly injured. Mary Huldreth was burned to death. Her husband was also badly burned. Ferdinand Mayranth jumped from the roof of the building and was killed. His wife jumped from the third story window with her little son. She had a leg and an arm broken, and was otherwise uninjured, and the boy was badly hurt in the spine.

Joseph Temple, of Webster, Main, aged ninety-two years and nine months, and Betsey, his wife, aged ninety-one, were married on the 15th of February 1807, and have lived together on the same farm they now own seventy-two years. - Their children number sixteen, ten of whom are now living - seven sons and three daughters.

September 30, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 6

Shot Dead By His Wife Rev. David L. Lounsbury, rector of Christ Church at Stratford, Conn., was shot by his wife last Wednesday morning while in bed and killed...

Josiah P. Hetrick, an old and prominent citizen, died at Easton, Pa., Sunday morning from the effects of a fall on Wednesday. He was picking pears, and fell from a shed, dislocating his neck. He lingered in a half conscious condition until death. He was in his seventy-fourth year, and had held many offices of responsibility and trust the latest being that of Collector of Internal Revenue under President Johnson. He was a politician of some note in the Whig party, and subsequently was a strong and influential Democrat. He was the father of a large family.

October 7, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 7

Fatal consequences have followed a drunken brawl of a party of four or five Republican politicians in the city of Philadelphia. George Truman, Jr., Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, is the victim. He was beaten and kicked in a brutal manner by one of his companions of the afternoon's orgies and died from the effects of the injuries inflicted upon him…

Local Items

Ringoes Notes

We feel sad to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Jonathan Hunt, of Larison's Corner. Mrs. Hunt attended the Flemington Fair, Thursday, apparently well; was taken suddenly sick Saturday night and died Tuesday afternoon. We were told a rupture (Hernia) was the cause of death.

Leister Dingey, a lad of 7, of Amboy, visiting Judiah Quick, for his health, died Monday morning from a lung trouble. Clark Wilson, undertaker, took the corpse to Amboy on Tuesday morning, by rail, accompanied by the father, mother, brother and grandmother of deceased.

Last Saturday morning, Isaac Hoppock, of Ringoes, took his axe and proceeded to the woods of Monroe Hagaman to cut some wood for himself. His wife was away from home on a visit at the time, and returned on Saturday evening. She was surprised that her husband did not make his appearance, but thought he would be home during the night. He did not come, however, and when Mrs. H. began next day to make inquries about him, some of the neighbors - Henry and George Brewer - went out to the woods in search of the missing man. They found him lying alongside of a long in an almost insensible condition, and it is supposed that he had thus lain for more than twenty-four hours. Dr. Larison pronounced it an attack of paralysis. He is very low, but little hopes being entertained of his recovery.

One day last week Mrs. Sarah Polhemus, widow of the late John Polhemus, residing near Bound Brook, fell dead while standing at the glass combing her hair. She was about 87 years old.

Mr. Edward Green, an old resident of Plainfield, went out to draw water last Saturday, and while at the well was seized with a fit of coughing. A hemorrhage came on in a few minutes, and though every possible means of relief were employed by his family, death ensued in less than an hour.

Local Affairs

The "Smith Family" is not to have all the glory to itself. We have before us a circular calling for a re-union of the Holcombe Family, in honor of the "86th anniversary of the settlement of the Holcombs in Bradford county, Pa." All descendants of Eli Holcomb, who removed to Pennsylvania in 1793, from Connecticut, are invited to participate. A.J. Holcombe, of this place, and the Holcombes of Lambertville and vicinity are lineal descendants of Eli, and they propose to meet their forty-second cousins in Bradford county, October 9th, the date of the re-union.

Hester Hunt, wife of John P. Hunt, late of the township of Delaware, four miles north of this city, died on Friday last, in the 86th year of her age. She is the second one in a family of eight children that has died, her brother, Holcombe Dilts, a very aged man, having been killed last year in the railroad accident, at Somerville, N.J. They are a long-lived family. Their father and mother, Wm. Dilts and Catharine Holcombe, were married about 1791. The latter lived to within three days of completing her 94th year. - Lambertville Record.

October 14, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 8

Zerah K. Whipple, founder and principle of Whipple's Home for Deaf Mutes, at Mystic River, Conn., died on Sunday. He was Secretary of the Connecticut Peace Society, and for several years edited the Voice of Peace.

Colonel George F. Watson, a guest at Philadelphia Hotel, Montgomery street, Jersey City, dropped dead on Thursday afternoon. The deceased man was a Colonel in the Confederate army, and recently lived in the South.

Peter Johnson, of Glen Gardner, was instantly killed, at the Phillipsburg depot of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, on Friday evening, 3rd inst. He was about to take a train for his home and as he was crossing to the platform, he was struck by a baggage car of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, (which was being pushed by a locomotive), thrown under the car and pushed along the track for some distance. His body was almost severed in twain and his right arm cut off at the wrist.

Mrs. Maria Reiss, of Lower Saucon township, who will be 107 years old in December next, visited the Easton Fair last week. She received much attention and conversed very intelligently with a number of persons. She stated that her first visit to Easton was 102 years ago, when she was only five years old, but that she recollected it as well as though it has been the day previous. She was married when she was not quite seventeen years old, or ninety years ago this month. She is the mother of ten children - five boys and five girls - nine of whom are still living, the eldest being 88 years of age.

October 21, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No. 9

Henry C. Carey, the well-known and venerable political economist of Philadelphia, died in that city on Monday. He was in the eighty-fifth year of his age. Though in poor health for several days past, his death was sudden and unexpected.

Daniel Coleman, a young man who had lost his leg some time ago, was given the position of attending a donkey engine on Mine Hill, Morris county, and while in the performance of his duties on Monday, the 6th, was fatally injured by the explosion of a pipe by means of which he was drawing water from the boiler. He was 21 years of age and unmarried.

Dr. Julius Le Moyne, the cremationist, died on Tuesday at his residence in Washington, Pa., aged 81 years. His body will be burned in the furnace which he designed and erected at that place.

Andrew Pusey, a paper manufacturer of Lambertville, died after a short illness last Monday. He was aged about 44 years.

Mrs. Wyckoff, an aged widow lady, resident of Lebanon, died at Mahlon Demott's, at Stanton, the 8th inst., of palsy. She was the mother of Martin Wyckoff, Esq., of Asbury.

Notes from Califon As Sile Sutton was tying his horse to a post a few days since, the animal took fright and broke loose. Mr. Sutton was knocked down and his face quite badly cut, but no serious injury resulted.

Dr. Thomas S. Yard, son of the late Capt. Joseph A. Yard, and brother of James S. Yard, editor of the Monmouth Democrat, died at Trenton, on Friday, in his forty-second year.

November 4, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.11

Charles H. Whitecar, Jr., who on Thursday night last was thrown under the cars at Haddonfield and terribly injured, died from the effects of the wounds received, on Tuesday. Deceased was 24 years of age, and a son of Rev. C. H. Whitecar, not stationed at Millville.

At 9:45 P.M., of Tuesday, as the Summit accommodation train on the Delaware, Lackawana & Western railroad, with four passenger cars attached, was starting from the depot in Hoboken, the boiler of the locomotive exploded with a report so loud that it was heard throughout the city. The locomotive was upset and badly wrecked. The sheds over the passenger ways on either side were demolished, and the debris was scattered for a great distance around. The engineer, Wm. Swick, was found crushed to death under one of the driving wheels… The body of Swick was sent to the morgue. He leaves a wife and five children in Summit avenue.

The mysterious murder of Martin Fuchs, the old scissors grinder, at Paterson, on Tuesday night last, continues to puzzle the police of that city, who are still without any clue, and are equally in the dark as to the motive for murdering the old man living in such absolute squalor as Fuchs did.

At the wedding of the daughter of L. D. Heath, at Spring Lake, Mich., on Wednesday evening, all of the guests, of whom there were more than a hundred, were made ill by poison in some of the ingredients of the food, supposed to be arsenic in the baking power or flavoring of the cake.

Mrs. Grace Brittain, of Lambertville, reached the rare old age of one hundred and four years, last Tuesday. Her relatives and a few friends observed the occasion by a gathering. Her health is good and her mind seems bright.

A Sad Affair A very sad and painful accident happened to a citizen of Somerville on Tuesday afternoon by which George W. Winner, the fireman of engine No. 142 lost his life….

John Morris, a life-long resident of Point Pleasant, Ocean county, died at his home in that village on Sunday last. Mr. Morris was aged eighty-one years. Nine days ago his wife died at an advanced age.

A lad about 12 years of age, named Chas. Felix Cowdrick, nephew of Capt. B. C. Cook, of the Ocean House, Toms River, was found dead in a bed room of the hotel on Tuesday morning. Investigation showed that the unfortunate boy had died of suffocation, caused by coal gas, which escaping from the heater in the room through the stove pipe hole.

The Funerals The funerals of Messrs. William Swick and Samuel Huff, the engineer and fireman, who last their lives by the boiler explosion at Hoboken, on the 28th ult., took place at the M. E. Church, last Sunday afternoon.

Golden Wedding Change and death are so busy in this world of ours, that few couples see fifty years of married life, and when a pair have walked the half-century together, the event may fittingly be noticed and the anniversary kept. Mr. and Mrs. John Merrell, residing near our village, reached such a point in their journey on Friday last, so children, grandchildren, and other relatives - some forty in all - celebrated the event by a sudden descent on the home, which proved a genuine surprise.

Court We give below the names of the gentleman drawn to serve as Petit Jurors, at our December term of Court: Kingwood - William B. Sutton

On last Saturday morning, about half-past ten, Andrew Fynch, a tenant on the property of Luther Hoffman, about one mile north of Lebanon, on entering his house found his wife lying on the floor dead. The deceased leaves a young babe and two other little children. She was about 35 years of age. The causes are supposed to be rush of blood around the heart. - Clinton Democrat

November 18, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.13

Death of General Joe Hooker General Joe Hooker died at Garden City, L.I., on Nov. 7…..

Death of Ex-Judge Sharp Ex-Judge Sharp, of Belvidere, died at his residence in that place on the 8th inst., at the age of 61. He was confined a number of weeks and his death was not unexpected…. He leaves a wife and a large family.

A fearful tragedy has taken place at Passaic. On Saturday morning John Nyman, a Hollander, aged 63, was found in his barn with his skull cut and crushed in from six blows, the evidences of a terrible struggle being plain. The blows were no doubt struck with an iron "dog" found near by and all the evidence points to Komah, the old man's son, as the murderer…. Komah's mother died suddenly last April after having $600 left her, to revert to Komah at her death and it is believed that he was guilty here also, and it is proposed to disinter her body and examine it.

William H. Farrington, recently elected County Commissioner of Wicomico county, Md., was shot and instantly killed on Tuesday last, by J. Wesley Turpin, during a quarrel. Both of them were farmers residing near Quantico, about nine miles from Salisbury.

Geo. Schuyler, of Camden, left home Monday morning on a gunning trip to Hightstown. In the afternoon his family received a dispatch which stated that he had just been killed by the explosion of his gun.

Morton A. Stille, formerly editor of the Mount Holly Herald, and a leading Democratic politician, died suddenly at his residence, No. 557, Line street, Camden, on Monday night, of general debility, aged about 65 years.

November 25, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.14

Mrs. Sarah Jones, an old lady, a relative and member of the family of Mr. Mansfield Hummer, had her arm broken near the shoulder while being helped upstairs one evening last week. She was made as comfortable as possible, with good medical care; but she suffered much and died on Thursday morning of this week. - Clinton Democrat.

William Carey, an employee of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, on Monday morning met with a serious, probably fatal, accident. He was given leave of absence to go hunting and was standing on the top of a freight car. As the train passed under the bridge near Bloomsbury, he was struck on the side of the head by the bridge and knocked down. The side of his head was crushed in and it is feared his injuries will result fatally.

December 2, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.15

An Engineer's Death A dispatch from Salem, Ind., says that a terrible explosion of the boiler of a portable saw mill occurred several miles from there, at Rush Creek, on Tuesday last. The mill was blown to atoms and Joseph Hauger, the engineer, was struck by a piece of the boiler and carried across the highway…

A sensation was created in Trenton on the 21st ult., by the discovery of the dead body of a mulatto woman named Jane Mosely on the second floor of her residence in Barnes street. She has been missing from two weeks, and it is supposed she has been dead that time. She was about 60 years old, in good circumstances, having a bank account and about $400 worth of silver plate in the house. Her husband, who was a saloon keeper, died some years ago.

A terribly sad accident occurred near Trenton Junction, on Saturday evening, 22d ult., by which a young man named Thomas Trewin, eldest son of Thomas R. Trewin, of this place, last his life. From the Trenton papers, we copy an account of the accident….

Mrs. Michael Murphy, of Newark, learned on Sunday that her husband had been injured by a railroad train. She fell dead on receiving the information.

Two old and well-known residents of Kingston, N.J., have died this month - Samuel and David Vantilburgh - aged 73 and 75 years respectively. The former died November 5th and the latter November 16th.

December 9, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.16

The widow of Charles Dickens, the famous novelist, died at her residence in Gloucester Crescent, Regent Park, London, on Saturday Nov. 22, after a lingering illness of eighteen months.

Two boys aged twelve years, named Miller and Koberger, were drowned in Wawayanda creek, Sussex county, on Tuesday of last week while skating. The water was about six feet deep. Miller broke through when Koberger took off his boots and bravely went to his assistance, and both boys were drowned.

Court Crier Neinmeyer died suddenly at Belvidere on Saturday. He was taken ill while crying a sale and died before he got home. The doctors say it was a paralytic stroke…

Intelligence has been received in Paterson of the existence of a wife and son of the late George Michael Fuchs, who was so mysteriously shot in his doorway, in Ward street, Paterson, on the first of November. At the time, it was supposed he had no relatives in America. His wife and son live at Orient, R.I., and it appears they have just heard of his death.

An Awful Fate Last Thursday night, about 12 o'clock, Dr. Richard G. Ludlow, of Neshanic, started from Flemington for his home. Next morning, at 6 o'clock, his dead body was found at the entrance of the lane leading to the residence of H. V. Van Liew, a short distance beyond Clove Hill, and three miles from his own home…. He leaves a wife and four children.

Fatal Shooting Accident About noon on Thursday last a terrible accident occurred near Woodsville, which should be an eloquent warning against the careless carrying and use of deadly weapons. The little son and daughter of Peter J. Snook, aged about five and seven years respectively, were playing about their father's door-yard when the little boy discovered the coat of the hired man hanging on a tree. The little fellow's curiosity was too great to be controlled and on examining the pockets, he found a loaded revolver, which was a wonderful prize in his childish eyes. While toying with the weapon, it accidentally went off, and the contents lodged in the heart of his little sister, causing instant death.

Golden Wedding Last Tuesday begin the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Caleb F. Fisher, Esq., and Miss Rebecca A. Holcombe, of West Amwell township, the children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters-in-law, with others, by previous arrangement, went in a mass to the old homestead of this honorable couple, at the hour of 10 A. M., taking the old folks completely by surprise…..

December 16, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.17

Another Murderer Hung Andrew Tracy, the McKean county murderer, was hanged at Smithport last Thursday afternoon, for the murder of Miss Riley, his cousin, whom he killed in a fit of jealousy.

James Longacre was shot and killed at Plano, Ill., on Wednesday, by C. M. Bennett. It appears that Longacre had been engaged to Bennett's sister, but the engagement had been broken…

December 23, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.18

Another Romance in Real Life Mrs. Margaret Dalrymple, a sister of Thomas S. and Ruth V. Sinnickson, of Trenton, arrived in this city a few days ago from Salem, Oregon, of which place she is now a resident. Mrs. Dalrymple is a native of Salem, and sailed from New York, February (January) 31, 1849 and arrived in San Francisco the 18th of September following…. A few months after her arrival she married the captain of the ship on which she had sailed from New York, Pierre Le Mortelle… Her second husband was a Mr. Dalrymple….

Mr. Alfred Perrine, an old and well known resident of Hightstown, died there on Sunday. He had been suffering severely for a long time.

Last Tuesday evening, Henry Rodenbaugh, a bachelor, aged about 60 years, residing with his brother-in-law, Lewis B. Apgar, near Frenchtown, while playing with his little niece, was discovered to be in a dying condition, and although aid was promptly given him he died in a short time after the sudden attack. He was one of the directors of the Frenchtown Bank.

Mrs. J. M. Case, of Lambertville, who was horned by a cow some two weeks since, an account of which has appeared in this paper, is in a very critical condition.

A Family of Four Generations Our county seat, Flemington, can boast of a family living there with four generations of the same family living together in the same house and eating at the same table. The family referred to is Mr. Patrick Corcoran's, consisting of his mother, a native of Ireland, aged 101 years; Patrick, aged 65 years, with his family; also, his married son, aged 29 years, with his family of four children.

A Remarkable Gathering Recently a remarkable gathering took place at the house of Mr. Daniel Ayres, in Rockaway. The occasion was the celebration of the 96th birthday of Mr. Hubbard Stickle, the father of Mrs. Ayers. Among those present were Mr. Hubbard Stickle, aged 96, older by 12 years than any one present; next came Mrs. Catharine Lee, aged 84; Mrs. Anges Jackson, aged 82; Mrs. Susie Broadwell, aged 82; Mrs. Catharine Beach, aged 84; Mr. John Kelsey, aged 83; Mrs. Abbie Miller, aged 81; Mrs. Jeannette Beach, aged 80; Mrs. Parnell Mott, aged 76; Mrs. Hubbard Stickle, aged 76; Mr. John Kelsey, aged 76; Mrs. Amanda Smith, aged 73, and Mr. H. N. Gustin, aged 73.

December 30, 1879, Forty Second Vol., No.19

Hon. John Keteltas Hackett, Recorder of the city of New York, died at his residence, No. 72 Park avenue, N.Y., at 12:50 P.M., last Friday. He had been in poor health for nearly a year, and was for the last two months confined to his house. His wife and daughter and a few personal friends were at his bedside when he died.

A Terrible Death Seeley's pasteboard factory, on the road from Scotch Plains to Feltville, was yesterday morning the scene of an accident which resulted in the horrible death of a young lad. Charles Snyder, aged about sixteen, employed at the mill, while about his work was caught by the apron he wore in the relentless grasp of the machinery, and the next instant was being thrown through the air in swift revolutions. Before any became of aware of the incident and almost before the victim himself knew what had happened, he was violently hurled against the rocks near the water-wheel and his brains dashed out upon them.

Burned In Their Home Early on Sunday morning, Mathew Gleason, living in a tenant house on the farm of James W. Allen, near Eagrestown, N.J., was awakened by smoke in his sleeping room. He sprang from his bed, and opening the door leading to the stairway, was met by a roaring volume of flame that drove him back. He aroused his wife, and they groped their way through the thickening smoke in the room to a window and leaped to the ground. Part of Mrs. Gleason's clothing caught fire before she leaped from the window. In the meantime, Mr. Gleason's three children - John, aged 10; Margaret, aged 7; and James, aged 2 - had been awakened by the flames and smoke, and they appeared at an upper window that was aglow with the fire behind, crying for help. The window sash was down, and they seemed unable to raise it. At the sight Mrs. Gleason wrung her hands, screamed and fell in a swoon. There was no ladder at hand, and Mr. Gleason seized a long pole, with which he strove in vain to raise the sash so that the children could leap out. In a minute the fire surged up to the window, and the father saw his children fall backward in the flames.

Two Irish lads - Edward Harvey and James McGeever - dry goods peddlers, were murdered on Friday week by a party of negroes near Jerigan, Russell county, Alabama, and their bodies thrown into the Chattahooche river…

On Tuesday afternoon as an engine was running to Port Oram, on the High Bridge division, a hand car containing several men was overtaken. All of the men except Thomas Coleman succeeded in jumping off of the car. Mr. Coleman was knocked a distance of twenty feet and sustained, it is feared, fatal injures. He was, up to the past three years, a resident of Phillipsburg.

George Kracke, aged 45, a longshoreman living in Hoboken, was found dead in bed on Friday morning by his roommate. He was a widower, and investigation showed that he died from alcoholism.

Adam Wolf, a Newark saloon keeper, died suddenly on Thursday evening, while conversing with ex-Judge Ise. He served as a soldier in the late war and since his discharge had been suffering from asthma and heart disease.

A Mrs. Harp, of Hoboken, died on Thursday night under peculiarly distressing circumstances. She had been suffering from a throat affection and was in the habit of taking a mild tonic for relief. One night she suffered severely and got up to take some medicine. By some mistake she swallowed two teaspoonful of ammonia. In a few minutes, she suffered the most excruciating pain. She lingered for several weeks until Thursday night, when she died as stated.

Bill & Jackie's

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