A "old/little" family gathering

Grandpa Bill Little 4-22-1908 on the right. Grandpa Bill is my G Grandfather.

Grandpa Bill Little 4-22-1908. Second from left.

L to R: Grandpa Bill little, Ora Gorder, Loiz, Rita, David and Naida picnicing at Jay Cooke State Park, Duluth, MN.

birdie conrad, grandma little. Not sure who is who

Mary Little, daughter of John Little

Arle and billy Little. Children of Claude and Gertrude Little. Claude is grandpa Bill little's brother

Bobby Little

Grandpa Bill Little with his dog at home on Park Point, Duluth, MN.

Grandpa Bill Little with his sons Merle and billy

Anna Carlson Little, mother of Grandpa Bill. This is my GG Grandmother.

Billy Little. Son of grandpa Bill